Sunday 8 September 2013

The day my son was born...

A cold February night, we had friends around watching the NBA all star weekend. Leanne was now overdue and very uncomfortable and has lost all patience now. But that night was going to be the last night as a 2. Leanne's waters broke early hours in the morning but it wasn't a rush to go to the hospital just yet so we tried to get some more sleep. About 6am we made a move to the hospital and we were ready to get this baby out. After a long and quite stressful labour our little boy was born, 4:25am that day it all changed. Holding this little perfect person made me break down and cry tears of happiness like I've never cried before. It's the most overwhelming g experience I think anyone can experience. Instantly I bonded with him like a long lost friend, instantly I remember feeling like I would die so be could live. Instantly I know our lives would never be the same. Maxwell William George Edwards was born, already he was loved by so many. 
He was born and I got to hold him before be got taken away to bro natal to be checked over as the doctors were fearful he might of caught an infection as Leanne's water had been broken for quite some time. But thankfully he was fine. The first moments of us together was like something I could never of imagined, it was serene and nothing else seemed to matter, everything seemed so natural and it didn't feel foreign of awkward. I wasn't concerned with telling the world just yet as I was so caught up in those first moments with my family. "My family" fuck me, I'm a dad. Only then it actually started to sink in. "I'm a dad" this little boy I was going to have to look after for the rest of my life. This little boy would rely on me for guidence, support and protection. For about 3 seconds I panicked, then was like "let's do this". And I've been doing it ever since. I pledged to be the best dad I can be to my son, to be understanding, patient, playful but still a parent. I was raised by 2 loving, hardworking parents so I wanted to be able to do the same for my child. And literally from that cold day in 2010 nothing else mattered but my family. As a parent you gotta be selfless, which at times can be hard, the life you had before children you can't have after but to be honest a good parent won't want that old life. Not to say you can't ever go out for a drink and a dance but you just do t want to as much. A luxury these days is being able to sleep in until 9am. But you know what, I wouldn't change it for anything. 

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